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    Confetti fireworks

    The Book Chamber
    The Book Chamber

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    Confetti fireworks Empty Confetti fireworks

    Post by Supernova Thu May 24, 2012 7:16 pm

    Confetti fireworks Champagne_Party_Poppers

    You see these things in any party supplies section in any store, anybody can buy them. Oddly enough though, when they sell the TNT confetti popper firework packs for the 4th of July, or for New Year's Eve, EXACT same fireworks, pull the string and BOOM streamers and confetti, for THOSE you have to be 17 or older to buy them. Even to just buy the same kind of champagne bottles if they're selling them for a holiday and NOT for a birthday party, you have to be 'of age' to get them. Does anybody else NOT get that at ALL?
    …is a Chamber DEITY.
    …is a Chamber DEITY.

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    Confetti fireworks Empty Re: Confetti fireworks

    Post by RedBedroom Thu May 24, 2012 7:54 pm

    It doesn't make sense but it could have to do with coming from different distributors. Maybe the ones sold over the Fourth come from companies regulated differently because of the other products they manufacturer. Otherwise, I agree...kinda stupid.

    The Book Chamber
    The Book Chamber

    Join date : 2010-06-22
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    Confetti fireworks Empty Re: Confetti fireworks

    Post by Supernova Thu May 24, 2012 7:59 pm

    I don't think so because I think they're all made by the TNT Fireworks company. And something else, every firework stand sells the TNT bottles every 4th of July, and you do not need to be of a certain age to buy ANYTHING from the firework stands so I don't get why you'd have to be to get it from a store either. Especially when both distributors are peddling them at the same time, an age limit is just going to kill that side of the business.

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