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    Should birth control be free?

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    Should birth control be free? Empty Should birth control be free?

    Post by Chris Sun May 01, 2011 9:07 am

    Tired of paying for your birth control pills? Pretty soon, you may not have to. Contraception may wind up being covered under the new health care law. And in some (but not many) places, condoms are free. What do you think, should the government arrange for BC to be given out for free?
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Sun May 01, 2011 9:12 am

    No. I think it's ridiculously dumb. I don't want my tax dollars paying for a safety net for promiscuity. If you want birth control, shell out the money.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by tmontyb Sun May 01, 2011 9:15 am

    Chris wrote:Tired of paying for your birth control pills? Pretty soon, you may not have to. Contraception may wind up being covered under the new health care law. And in some (but not many) places, condoms are free. What do you think, should the government arrange for BC to be given out for free?

    I can hear it now, especially from the right.

    I don't have a problem with it. Maybe it will cut down on unwanted pregnancies, which may cut down on welfare dollars being spent.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Sun May 01, 2011 9:52 am

    ^^^^^Giving people stuff free never makes them more responsible.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Nhaiyel Sun May 01, 2011 10:24 am

    Not only should it be free, it damn near needs to be mandatory for a lot of people. I think birth control should be covered completely, and not just the pill either.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Shale Sun May 01, 2011 10:51 am

    Yeah, it would be a cost effective investment. An ounce of prevention if ever there was one.

    Some ppl who want & need birth control can't afford it, so it should be provided.

    I live in a metropolitan area where condoms are available free from the health department (including female condoms - which are not available in drug stores). This is for disease prevention reasons, but side effects are good too.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Nystyle709 Sun May 01, 2011 11:29 am

    I don't have a problem with it at all.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Nystyle709 Sun May 01, 2011 11:30 am

    Forgiveness Man wrote:No. I think it's ridiculously dumb. I don't want my tax dollars paying for a safety net for promiscuity. If you want birth control, shell out the money.

    Safety net for promiscuity? BC doesn't prevent diseases.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by tmontyb Sun May 01, 2011 12:14 pm

    Nystyle709 wrote:
    Forgiveness Man wrote:No. I think it's ridiculously dumb. I don't want my tax dollars paying for a safety net for promiscuity. If you want birth control, shell out the money.

    BC doesn't prevent diseases.

    I don't think that was the point, but I have no clue what birth control and promiscuity have to do with each other. If one is promiscuous, I would tend to think they'd be that way with or without it.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Nystyle709 Sun May 01, 2011 12:22 pm

    tmontyb wrote:
    Nystyle709 wrote:

    BC doesn't prevent diseases.

    I don't think that was the point, but I have no clue what birth control and promiscuity have to do with each other. If one is promiscuous, I would tend to think they'd be that way with or without it.

    Yeah, but that was my point. He made a blanket statement that BC was a safety net for promiscuity since it prevents pregnancy. But getting a disease would be the bigger consequence of promiscuity and BC doesn't do anything about that. Not wanting to pregnant doesn't mean you're promiscuous. So I don't know how those too can logically correlate.

    Last edited by Nystyle709 on Sun May 01, 2011 12:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by MandyPerfumeGirl Sun May 01, 2011 12:28 pm

    BC should be free.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Shale Sun May 01, 2011 12:38 pm

    Nystyle709 wrote: ... Getting pregnant doesn't mean you're promiscuous. So I don't know how those too can logically correlate.

    Unfortunately, logic doesn't work on dogmatic minds.

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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by tmontyb Sun May 01, 2011 12:45 pm

    Nystyle709 wrote:
    tmontyb wrote:

    I don't think that was the point, but I have no clue what birth control and promiscuity have to do with each other. If one is promiscuous, I would tend to think they'd be that way with or without it.

    Yeah, but that was my point. He made a blanket statement that BC was a safety net for promiscuity since it prevents pregnancy. But getting a disease would be the bigger consequence of promiscuity and BC doesn't do anything about that. Not wanting to pregnant doesn't mean you're promiscuous. So I don't know how those too can logically correlate.

    Yep! We are both in the same mindset on this.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by tmontyb Sun May 01, 2011 12:45 pm

    Shale wrote:
    Nystyle709 wrote: ... Getting pregnant doesn't mean you're promiscuous. So I don't know how those too can logically correlate.

    Unfortunately, logic doesn't work on dogmatic minds.

    Alan Smithee
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Alan Smithee Sun May 01, 2011 1:39 pm

    Shale wrote:
    Unfortunately, logic doesn't work on dogmatic minds.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by CeCe Sun May 01, 2011 1:40 pm

    Absolutely. And I think the people who whine about their tax dollars fail to realize it's much more expensive to cover the cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood. Then there's the cost of the mother's pregnancy. If it's money they care about it's much more cost effective to prevent it in the first place. And no, abstinence is not a realistic option because it ain't gonna happen.

    There are a lot of things I don't want my tax dollars going for too. But we're generally just SOL on that.

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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Impact Tue May 03, 2011 1:39 am

    Forgiveness Man wrote:No. I think it's ridiculously dumb. I don't want my tax dollars paying for a safety net for promiscuity. If you want birth control, shell out the money.

    No, instead you want your tax dollars paying for babies born to welfare mothers.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by JM130ELM Tue May 03, 2011 9:16 am

    No brainer. What better way to prevent unwanted pregnancie­s and abortions. Less people going on stamps and welfare. It's a win-win. You would think Republican­s could get on board with this.
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    Should birth control be free? Empty Re: Should birth control be free?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Tue May 03, 2011 9:23 am

    CeCe wrote: And no, abstinence is not a realistic option because it ain't gonna happen.
    That's also illogical crap and a just plain cop-out.

    Birth Control should not be free or mandatory. The idea that it should is simply illogical. We're breeding a nation of irresponsible self-entitled brats who think they should have the right to do whatever they want and have it paid for. It's a lazy mentality. We live in a lazy society.

    Abstinence is as realistic as not smoking or doing drugs, or surviving on a non-fast food diet. Birth Control being free is a ridiculous notion only meant to coddle irresponsible people who can't be bothered to even pay for their own "protection." Everybody wants everyone else to pay for what they "need" and contrives these absurd costs if you don't give them your money. God forbid somebody actually have the responsibility to pay for what they WANT to do. No, we gotta pay for them. It's pathetic really. We're a nation of coddlers and we wonder why our country's going down the toilet. Rather than blame lack of responsibility, we'll just blame those advocating it.

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