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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by Chris Thu May 05, 2011 8:16 am

    Question for the ages: does distributing birth control encourage promiscuity?
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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by CeCe Thu May 05, 2011 8:21 am

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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by Forgiveness Man Thu May 05, 2011 8:26 am

    I know I will be the ONLY one here who says this (and why not? Everybody else here loves the stuff and thinks it should be distributed for free. So of course nobody'd even consider the idea), but of course. It's common sense! If you give people a way that they believe will protect them from the unwanted side effects of sex (regardless of it's deficiencies), of COURSE it'll make them do it more. It's common sense when looking at human nature.

    Just like giving people something they believe makes their food healthier will cause them to consume more unhealthy foods. (It doesn't matter if it works or not.) If the average person thinks that this magic pill will make it so they can have McDonald's every day and not get fat (and even have a reasonably effective success rate, even though it's failed numerous times), do we honestly expect them to watch what they eat?

    Human beings want pleasure and they want it with as little side effects as possible. (Which most pleasures typically come with) When you offer them a way to remove those side effects, it's common sense to see that the next step is them engaging in activity to obtain these pleasures more frequently. Sure, I am sure MANY people will say that it hasn't made them or anybody they know more promiscuous.(Somebody's definition of the word typically excludes whatever point on the scale they currently are) Of course, one could always ask if they'd still be engaging in sex if contraception wasn't available. The answer to that is probably more telling.

    So yes, Birth Control increases promiscuity, Yes and even moreso, it attempts to justify it. It's common sense that it does.
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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by tmontyb Thu May 05, 2011 8:41 am

    CeCe wrote: no

    Agreed. The idea is absurd.
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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by Shale Thu May 05, 2011 10:01 am

    Actually, as I recall, what we refer to as the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s was made possible by "The Pill."

    Until then women were more hesitant to give in to their natural urges to have sex because of the risk of pregnancy. With the availability of birth control pills, young women were, for the first time, free to engage in indiscriminate sex, just like guys.

    And, they did. yay (It was a great time to be a young horndog)

    Now it may be argued that availability of birth control does not encourage promiscuity, but it does free women to be promiscuous without the fear of unwanted pregnancy.
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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by Friendly Veteran Thu May 05, 2011 11:53 am

    I do not think it 'promotes'. What I think it does it gives that peace of mind on the individual that there will be no pregnancy so it is easier to be willing or accept having sex more often because that fear is not there as much.

    You have a great day.
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    Jason B.
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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by Jason B. Thu May 05, 2011 1:33 pm

    Promiscuity is already encouraged. Birth control helps prevent accidental babies coming from the sex people are going to have regardless.
    Alan Smithee
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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by Alan Smithee Thu May 05, 2011 1:44 pm

    I am having the strongest feeling of deja vu that we've discussed this before. Whatever I said last time.
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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by Nystyle709 Thu May 05, 2011 11:06 pm

    Jason B. wrote:Promiscuity is already encouraged. Birth control helps prevent accidental babies coming from the sex people are going to have regardless.

    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? 538671
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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

    Post by Nystyle709 Thu May 05, 2011 11:07 pm

    alan smithee wrote:I am having the strongest feeling of deja vu that we've discussed this before. Whatever I said last time.

    LOL, too.

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    Does birth control encourage promiscuity? Empty Re: Does birth control encourage promiscuity?

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