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Alan Smithee
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by Kral Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:44 am

    How do you feel about the word "irregardless" and the phrase "I COULD care less" ?
    Both are grammatically wrong, but personally I like using them. To me "I COULD care less" sound more catty than "I COULDN'T care less" and "irregardless" for some reason sounds more 'proper' despite it not being a word. You ever use either?
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by Supernova Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:05 am

    Not particularly those, but yeah I use 'grammatically incorrect words and phrases' all the time.
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by CatEyes10736 Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:32 am

    "I could care less" sounds ridiculous to me as it it implies that you DO care. "I couldn't care less" says that the issue is so futile in your mind that it couldn't get any more insignificant.
    Alan Smithee
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by Alan Smithee Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:16 pm

    Sometimes I like to say "irregardlessly" (unless it's a job interview or something). Another favorite is when someone says something like, "That's the greatest blah blah of all time!" So this is as good as it's ever going to get? Shit.
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    Post by Marc™ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:29 am

    I don't use either, but I sort of wish "irregardless" was a word. For some reason, I like how it sounds.
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by RedBedroom Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:51 am

    I can't stand "irregardless". I used to work with someone who used it non-stop and it always seemed like she liked to use it to sound smart. So, it was annoying as hell. "Irregardless" is becoming accepted because of its wide use. It even has its own Wiki page:
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty The Grammar Police

    Post by LVJoel Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:29 pm

    We've all got pet peeves about posters whose grammar just doesn't cut it. What're yours?

    1. Not knowing the difference between "there," "they're" and "their"
    2. Same for "your" and "you're," and "too" and "to"
    3. Too many commas
    4. Run-on sentences
    5. Long posts that aren't separated into paragraphs
    6. Misspelling of the word "definitely"
    7. "Textwrite" Do u fllw me?
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by Supernova Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:44 pm

    I'm with you on they're/their, you're/your and the text crap, that stuff just irks me to no end. And I'm sure I do an occasional one of them myself but it's very rare. I don't pride myself on being a grammar Nazi though I probably am but I write stuff for online where 'there is no excuse for poor grammar and/or spelling', AND I did pretty much have it pounded into me every single year in school to boot.
    Alan Smithee
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by Alan Smithee Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:35 am

    I’m less critical of grammar and spelling errors in the informal context of message board posts than I would be for mistakes on a professional level such as reports, memos, etc. I know I’ve caught myself using “your “ when it should be “you’re” because I might have been trying to right (sic) too fast and my mind was on autopilot. Some errors could be due to being up too late or typing by the light of their monitor. I usually try to preview my posts because it’s easier for me to proof read that way.
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by RedBedroom Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:08 am

    What bothers me the most online are one long paragraph, run on sentences and text talk.
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by Nystyle709 Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:12 am

    Text write is the one that annoys me the most. I mean, seriously. I'm guilty of shortening my words....I'll text "u" instead of "you" and "4" instead of "for" but I can't stand to see "cum" instead of "come", "be4" instead of "before", etc. I also hate it when they don't feel the need to use punctuation marks just because it's a text. I text the way I type. It's not that hard to do.
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by Chris Sun May 01, 2011 8:45 am

    I like 'irregardless' too; I think the one that irks me is 'guestimate.' Don't do that.

    I also don't care for 'fixing to.' I'm fixing to go to the store. pissed
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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by Shale Sun May 01, 2011 9:11 am

    Irregardless of what u all think, ppl are going to str8 out do all those annoying things, so get over it. B4 I explain why it is not important, I'm fixin' to tell ya my biggest annoyance - the misuse of "Then" & "Than."


    It is not just here on the Web that you see it - professional writers have made the mistake - and I often let them know about it. d-oh!

    But, English is one of those evolving languages that incorporate new usage, so don't get too hung up on current irregularities because someday, if popular enuf it may become standard. Ever notice that spell checkers don't challenge "thru." I hate all those "ough" words that have no logical reason to exist. Thru is just the latest change in that word and even "through" is incorrect, being a contraction of "thorough."

    Actually, I sort of like some of the colloquialisms. It is how we speak and sometimes shows our regional vernacular (Like "some Southerners are fixin' to kick Chris' ass").

    Oh, BTW I think "guestimate" is no worse than a "ball park figure" and both idioms convey the message to native speakers.

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    Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases Empty Re: Grammatically Incorrect Words & Phrases

    Post by (Oh!) Rob Petrie Sun May 01, 2011 9:49 am

    Two grammar pet-peeves:

    1) - Improper use of the semi-colon. Just because Microsoft Word tells you to put in a semi-colon doesn't mean that it's even remotely correct.

    Correct usage: Microsoft Word sucks at grammar; don't listen to it.

    Incorrect usage: Microsoft Word suck; at grammar; don't use it.

    2) - Misplaced modifiers.

    Example of an MM: Peter bought a shirt at the mall with fishes on it.

    So, Peter went to a mall with fishes painted onto it? Or did the shirt have the fishes on it?

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