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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? Empty Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

    Post by GrayWolf Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:31 am

    Treat her nice. Do things for her she says no man has done before? Get wobbly knees when she comes downstairs dressed for dinner and she says no man has ever reacted like that before... they just expect it. Yet alas... not wanting this man who treats her so good.

    Just don't understand it.
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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? Empty Re: Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

    Post by RedBedroom Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:36 am

    For a long term relationship, there has to be more there than treating someone good. There has to be a spark, some shared interests, and just being nice to each other is not necessarily the only thing to keep a couple together.
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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? Empty Re: Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

    Post by RiteDiva Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:14 pm

    I had a man treat me as nice as he could. He brought me flowers, he left me sweet messages telling me how beautiful he thought I was, etc. But...I just wasn't into him. Had nothing to do with his niceness. Some guys think that if they're sweet and attentive that it will immediately make the other person love him. Sorry, but no. A lot of nice guys forget the attraction has to be there before anything else you do for her can work. Just because it's not mentioned doesn't mean it's not part of the equation - we don't mention it because we honestly don't think we have to. It's just a given.

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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? Empty Re: Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

    Post by Chris Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:48 pm

    It works both ways. I have stories of ladies who were overly nice to me, a little too agreeable and never got angry. It becomes boring. I want a nice lady don't get me wrong, but I also want someone to exert their personality. Disagree with me on politics, movies, music; tell me if you do not want to go here or there, etc., etc. It's okay, I won't dump you.
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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? Empty Re: Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

    Post by Tony Marino Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:11 pm

    Women like the Bad Boys until the Bad Boys dump them!
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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? Empty Re: Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

    Post by Impact Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:05 pm

    Despite what the say and how they complain, the truth is women (30 and under especially) like the idea of taming a man who's rough around the edges. They want an alpha male with less than attractive qualities, but has "potential" to be "molded" into something decent and custom fit for them. If the guy is too nice, he's not enough of a challenge and they get bored.
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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? Empty Re: Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

    Post by Marc™ Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:43 pm

    Heh. It's quite simple....

    Guys who're too nice are seen by women as needy or stifling. Men tend to appreciate "nice" women a little more....but at the same time also get bored by the monotony. The concept of a "YES" person in your life is more appealing than the reality of it.
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    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? Empty Re: Why Do women dump men who are nice to them?

    Post by CatEyes10736 Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:29 am

    RiteDiva wrote:I had a man treat me as nice as he could. He brought me flowers, he left me sweet messages telling me how beautiful he thought I was, etc. But...I just wasn't into him. Had nothing to do with his niceness. Some guys think that if they're sweet and attentive that it will immediately make the other person love him. Sorry, but no. A lot of nice guys forget the attraction has to be there before anything else you do for her can work. Just because it's not mentioned doesn't mean it's not part of the equation - we don't mention it because we honestly don't think we have to. It's just a given.

    Why Do women dump men who are nice to them? 35166 If I'm attracted to him and he's nice, then jackpot. But if I'm not attracted to him or it becomes clear that we don't otherwise click, then he can be the nicest guy in the world and it won't create something that's not there. Totally right about how some nice guys are under the impress that their niceness will create a synergy. It just doesn't work that way.

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